z about this site
Extravaganza is our personal collection of wallpapers, fanart and
avatars, and is online since February 2, 2004.
All wallpapers, graphics, etc. on this site are our creations.
Please do not take them without our permission and do not steal
them and use them as they were your own.
z credits,
disclaimer and resources
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z about this version
Version 16.0
- Summer '08
Date: 01 June 2008
Pictures: creative. gettyimages.com,
Pattern/Textures: paper-source.com
Fonts: Pea Alesa, TrixiePlain, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif.
Font credits: kevinandamanda.com
Tools: adobe photoshop 7, paint shop
z about past versions
Previous versions of this site until recently click